Juneteenth is a Reason to Sparkle

Juneteenth is a Reason to Sparkle

On this day in 1865, the last enslaved individuals in the U.S. were finally freed, marking the significance of Juneteenth. It’s a reminder of the resilience and strength of the African American and Black community. We still have so far to go. Here are seven things we can do to empower Juneteenth and honor its significance.

  1. Go Beyond the Word Diversity: Stop talking about Diversity and embrace Belonging, Inclusion and Equality. And for the love of God can we please get past saying, “Diversity of Thought”. No one can read minds, but actions read loudly!

  2. Talk about Finances with our Youth: Teach our kids and each other about generational wealth and also teach them about poverty. There is a lesson to learn from both.

  3. Educate and Raise Awareness: Spread knowledge about Juneteenth and its historical significance within our community. Share its importance with friends, family, and on social media platforms to increase awareness and understanding. Also, teach our kids and each other about education. Not just degrees (even though I fully believe in getting a college degree), but also a trade. My grandfather said to me, “Baby getting an education is something no one can take from you. They can try to damper your spirit, but they can’t take your mind.”

  4. Support Black-Owned Businesses: Use Juneteenth as an opportunity to uplift and support Black-owned businesses in our community. Shop locally, recommend their services, and collaborate with them to foster economic growth and empowerment. If you need help finding some, I know PLENTY of them for any and everything you need.

  5. Learn How to Communicate: There is art in communication and resilience. I find that even when I’m communicating or asking questions when I don’t understand something or trying to get clarity and facts, it can be interpreted as intimidating or aggressive (I hate that word). So much so that I’ve had moments when I won’t say a word. Heck, even that is seen as something bad. 😂 Don’t let fear keep you from writing and communicating your vision. Be resilient and own your uniqueness.

  6. Foster Intergenerational Connections: Create opportunities for dialogue and connection between different generations within the Black community. Share stories, experiences, and knowledge to ensure the preservation of our history and empower future generations.

  7. Celebrate Our Heritage: Organize events and gatherings that celebrate Black culture, achievements, and resilience. Highlight the contributions of Black individuals in various fields and promote unity and pride within our community.   

Together we can work towards a more equitable and inclusive society. Let’s celebrate freedom and continue the fight for equality and inclusivity.

I believe in Sparkle Energy. If you are on social media follow the razzle dazzle on Facebook or Instagram @theartsygirl76.

Don’t forget to find a reason to sparkle!

The Artsy Girl

The Artsy Girl ®️ makes custom-mixed, hand-poured glitter and resin earrings, along with a variety of other accessories, that help her customers sprinkle a little razzle dazzle and sparkles wherever they go. The Artsy Girl brand is about promoting self-confidence, self-worth, and positive energy.

#Juneteenth #Emancipation #Handmade #Earrings #Equality #Belonging #BlackOwnedBusiness

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